Materials from the ‘Scrapbooking the Wasteland’ workshop

The second workshop in this year’s Creative Posthumanism series took place on June 1st, 2022. Workshop coordinators Angela YT Chan and Cristina Diamant invited participants to ‘scrapbook the wasteland’. We did so by looking at the mix of extractive practices that (re)produce wastelands, drawing together a variety of materials and theories to “reconfigure the relationship between our own situated embodiments and technological developments from a more-than-human ethical perspective, acknowledging the affect behind our response and confronting the biases that hold us back”.

Participants were divided into four groups. For the first 15-20 minutes of the workshop, we tested out our materials and scrapbooking skills individually, by making bookmarks:

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In the main part of the workshop we were asked to work collaboratively, each table asked to engage with one of four acute stress responses to apocalypse and extraction: fight, flight, freeze, and fawn. We produced a whole range of panels for each theme, including a post-its section at the end of each where we were invited to reflect on what we had taken away from the theme and the activity, and what we might suggest for future sessions. At the very end of the workshop each group was asked to present their work, and to comment on how this related to their theme and to the workshop as a whole.

You can download the hi-res version of the scrapbook we made from Google Drive.

And a smaller version of the scrapbook is available here.

The physical scrapbook will be archived for future access at Winchester School of Art.

The workshop was a lovely opportunity for collaboration and conversation, and participant responses to the day were also very positive. Feedback from workshop participants included:

Thank you for a great workshop, great instigation and good teamwork. We are clearly not doomed (yet).
we really enjoyed today’s workshop, thanks again to all involved

I thoroughly enjoyed it and got so much out of it. Great chance to explore ideas and connect with other people working with similar ideas

Follow us on Eventbrite to be kept up to date on future workshops!


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