Photographs from Aeroplanes

IMG_3597This week I’m taking a break from research blogging to celebrate an important milestone. It’s been two years since I accepted a PhD bursary at Cardiff University, and also two years that my partner and I have been living apart. Happily, after much job hunting, he also found work in the UK, and we have just recently moved back in together, but the past 24 months have involved a lot of planes, buses, trains, and other forms of travel.

During that time I’ve casually snapped a lot of travel photos, many of them from the windows of airplanes, and flipping back through them now I found the simultaneous difference and sameness strangely calming. Sometimes you can spot the location from the image, but sometimes the new perspective renders things alien and unplaceable. It’s another world up there, and it looks new with every trip.

So without further ado, here’s what two years’ worth of photographs from aeroplane windows looks like:


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